Lock-S Software - Installing on your Computer

Lock-S Software - Installing on your Computer

Step # 1 Ensure that the SQL Server has been installed

  1. Download the zip file in the footer of this document. 
  2. Once the download is complete unzip the folder (you may need to download "WinRAR" or "7zip" in order to be able to open the file)

Step # 3 Run the Lock-S Installation 

Open the Lock-S installation and double click on "Kas Lock-S System V15.7n.msi"

Step # 4 Install Lock-S

  1. Click "Next" until the installation finishes

Step # 5 Install IPMS

  1. Open the "Lock iPMS Server V13.6" file, and install it the same way as steps #3 & #4.

Step # 6 Open Lock-S

  1. Click the Lock-S icon on your desktop ("KAS Lock System")
  2. In the "SQL Server" section, type in "LOCALHOST\KASDB"
  3. Enter the default password: kas123
  4. Click Next and then OK
  5. Input your software license code (Please contact KAS to receive a license code)
  6. Enter your property name to complete the initial setup.
Note: Depending on the way the installation was performed, you may need to write the computer's name instead of "LOCALHOST" 

Step # 7 Make sure Lock-S Opens and Ensure it is connecting to the database

Note: Online functionality with Lock-S has been deprecated and is no longer officially supported.
While it may still function, we cannot guarantee this.
Once Lock-S opens:
  1. Go to System -> System Parameters and for IPMS (online functionality only), tick "Allow network function" checkbox.
  2. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
  3. Depending on your installation, use the credentials to your database. Default: Server Name - LOCALHOST\KASDB ; Login - "sa" ; Password - "kas123"
  4. With Lock-S Closed, open the IPMS server installation folder (default path: C:\Program Files (x86)\LockPMS\Server) and run the init.sql file, then click "Execute" at the top.
    1. If this step fails, you may need to create a database. To do so: Right Click "Databases" and select "New Database". Type in "LockDB_PMS" in the name section, and click OK 

Installation Complete - User Guide

At this point you should be able to launch Lock-S and use it fully.
Please refer to the User Guide in order to learn about the program's functionality.

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