Lock-S Software - Installing on your Computer

Lock-S Software - Installing on your Computer

Step # 1 SQL has been installed

  1. Download the zip file in the footer of this document. 
  2. Once the download is complete unzip the folder.

Step # 3 Run Software 

Open the Lock-S installation media and double click on  "Kas Lock-S System V12.8n.msi"

Step # 4 Install Software

  1. Click "Next"
  2. Keep clicking "Next" until you see 'Finish'
  3. Click "Finish"

Step # 5 Run IPMS

From the Lock-S installation media folder double click on IPMS folder and then double click on "Lock iPMS Server V12.8"

Step # 6 Install IPMS

  1. Click "Next"
  2. Keep clicking "Next" until you see 'Finish'
  3. Click "Finish"

Step # 7 Installation Complete

Congratulation your software has been installed. The next step is connecting to the Database.

Step # 8 Make sure Lock-S Opens and Ensure it is connecting to the database

Once Lock-S Opens, go to System Parameters and for IPMS only, click "Allow network function" checkbox.
Close Lock-S, open the IPMS server installation folder and run the init.sql file in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (After connecting to the clients database).  
Note: You may need to create a Database "LockDB_PMS" prior to the above step.  

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