When programming a lock the following cards must be issued from the software and taped to the door in this specific order.
Create the following cards as required from the software before programming a lock..
Card order when setting the lock
*To find out what cards are required to reprogram a room, go to the ADEL software, select
ROOM from the menu bar, then create the associated cards under the required fields.
System Card *If you hear a low to high swoosh sound. please tap the card again. .You need to hear the chime
Instructions Issue the appropriate cards from the software for the Access Control you want to program. If you need to program room door Click Here The correct cards must be created from the software before you can begin programming the Access ...
IMPORTANT NOTES BEFORE YOU BEGIN ALWAYS TAKE A BACK UP OF YOU SOFTWARE BEFORE PERFORMING THE BELOW INSTRUCTIONS You may not be able to perform the below steps if you do not have this permission set Use the SYSTEM login credentials or Contact you ...
KAS Lock-S Hotel Card Lock Software Module Introduction The KAS Lock-S Software must be activated with Serial number and Product ID. The authorized client must safeguard the unique Product ID assigned. An authorized person should be assigned to take ...
If a Master Card is not working this is usually because someone has either lost or deleted a Master Card in the software. How to resolve To update the locks to accept the newly created Master Cards, you will need to perform the following instruction; ...