KAS NEO Manual and Neo ACR Cloud Lock Manual - Full User Guide

KAS NEO Manual and Neo ACR Cloud Lock Manual - Full User Guide


This is a full user guide for local management and lock/ACR functionality customization.
When using the mobile app or the web interface, please refer to KAS Access or Web Console

A PDF copy of this guide is available as an attachment at the bottom of the page.
The codes listed below are shared between the NEO Lock and the ACR, with the exception of the ACR Customization section

Standard Operation

To Lock the Door

  1. Pull your door closed, the lock is always in a ”locked” state from the outside.

To Unlock the Door

  1. Enter a pin code, swipe RFID tag or Bluetooth app.
  2. The internal handle is always free passage.

To Exit

  1. Rotate the internal handle downwards. The internal handle is always in an "unlocked state"

Operating Function Setting

The operating function can be changed to single or dual.

Single Opening Mode

Either 1 card or 1 pin code will open the door. 

Enable Single Opening Mode # 141

  ** <Management Code> # 141 # 
  ** 888 888 # 141 # 
Example Result
 Either 1 card or 1 pin code will be required to open the door. 
Exit Programming
 Press  ** 
Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps

Dual Opening Mode

Requires both RFID Card and PIN code to be presented for the same User IDs. i.e RFID ID:02 and PIN code ID:02 need to be presented.

Enable Dual Opening Mode # 142

 ** <Management Code> # 142 # 
 ** 888 888 # 142 # 
Example Result
 Either 1 card or 1 pin code will be required to open the door. 
Exit Programming
 Press ** 
Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.


Free Passage Mode

Free Passage Mode will leave the door in an “unlocked” state until deactivated.  

Enable Free Passage

 Press and hold ‘#’ for 3 seconds after the door was opened
 The door is in an “unlocked” state until deactivated

You may have to wake up the keypad again after the unlocking action.

Disable Free Passage

 Wake the keypad. Press and hold ‘#’ for 3 seconds or present any valid card to the lock to disable
 The door is in a “locked” state

Entering pin codes while 'Free Passage' is enabled, will NOT disable it.

Keypad Lockout

The keypad will lockout for 1 minute if a pin code was entered incorrectly 3 times. This feature cannot be disabled.

Notification Sounds 

 Successful attempt

 1 long beep

Green 7, Red 8

 Unsuccessful attempt

 2 short beeps

Red 8

 Keypad Lock

 The keypad will lockout for 1 minute if a pin code was entered incorrectly 3 times

Low Battery 

 Alarm sounding before entry

Management Instructions - Local

You must activate the lock from the KAS app to secure access.
Programming can be completed locally at the lock, via the mobile app or web console. 
These instructions will guide you through programming the lock locally

Management Code

Default Management Code: 888888 


  1. Capacity: 1
  2. The management code must be 6 digits only and cannot unlock the door.
  3. Keep the management code secure

Enter Management Settings

When adding or removing any users you will need to first enter into the management settings then select your option after this


 ** <Management code> #


 ** 888888 # 

Example Result

 You are now in management settings and can use management functionality such as adding PINs, cards, and modifying the lock

Exit Programming

 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Set Management Code # 5 

 ** <Management code> # 5 <New Management Code> # 
 ** 888888 # 5 999 999 #
Example Result
 This has modified the management to 999 999
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Pin Code


  1. Capacity: 100
  2. Pin ID: Each user pin code has an assigned ID number.
  3. ID range: 00 - 99 [2 digits]
  4. User code length: 4-6 digits

Unlock the door by pin code

  1. Touch lock to wake up the keypad, 
  2. Enter pin code [4-6] digits, 
  3. Press ‘#’, Door will unlock. 

Example:   1 2 3 4 5 6 # 
Example:   2 3 4 5 # 

Set Pin Codes #6

 ** <Management Code> # 6 <User ID> <User Pin Code> # 
 Example 1: ** 888 888 # 6 00 223344 #.... Example 2: *** 888 888 # 6 01 2580 #
Example Result
 This has added a user pin code ID:00  223344 and ID:01  2580
Exit Programming
 Press  ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Delete Individual User Pin Code #7

To delete an individual user pin code you need to know the User ID. 

 ** <Management Code> # 7 <User ID> # 
 ** 888 888 # 7 01 #
Example Result
 This has deleted User Pin Code 2580 from the lock. All other pin codes remain in memory.
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Delete ALL User Pin Codes #666

This deletes ALL User Pin Codes except the Management Code. 


 ** <Management Code> # 666 # 

 ** 888 888 # 666 #
Example Result
 This has deleted ALL pin codes from the lock. No pin codes remain except the management code
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

RFID Card & Fob

This will add the RFID Card or FOB to access the door lock.


  1. Capacity: 100
  2. Frequency: Mifare S50 1k 13.56MHz
  3. Each User RFID Card has an assigned ID number. ID range: 00 - 99 [2 digits]

Unlock the door by RFID card or Fob

  1. Swiping the card over the lock face 
  2. Door will unlock 

Set User RFID Card #2


 **  <Management Code> # 2 <User ID> # <Swipe RFID Card> 

 Example 1: ** 888 888 # 2 00 # <Swipe Card 1> ...Example 2:  ** 888 888 # 2 01 # <Swipe Card 2> 
Example Result
 Result: This has added a User RFID Card ID:00
Exit Programming
 Press  ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Delete User RFID by ID #3

To delete an individual user RFID you need to know the User ID. 


 ** <Management Code> # 3 <User ID> # 

 ** 888 888 # 3 01 # 
Example Result
 This has deleted User RFID Card 01. All other User RFID Cards remain in memory.
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Delete ALL User RFID #444

This deletes ALL user RFID.  


 ** <Management Code> # 444 # 

 ** 888 888 # 444 # 
Example Result
 This has deleted ALL User RFID Card from the lock
Exit Programming
 Press  ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Delete User RFID by Reading Card #8

To delete an individual user RFID if you don’t know the ID, you conduct this method. 


 ** <Management Code> # 8 # <Swipe RFID Card To Delete> 

 ** 888 888 # 8 # <Swipe RFID Card>
Example Result
 This has deleted User RFID Card which was swiped. All other User RFID Cards remain in memory.
Exit Programming
 Press  ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Delete User RFID by Continuously Reading Cards #888

To delete a series of RFID in one step. 


 ** <Management Code> # 888 # <Swipe Card 1> <Swipe Card 2> ...

 ** 888 888 # 888 # <Swipe Card 1> <Swipe Card 2>...
Example Result
 This has deleted the User RFID Cards which were wiped. All other User RFID Cards remain in memory.
Exit Programming
 Press ** 
Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

ACR Customization

To preserve battery life, this section will only apply to the ACR. 
The codes here will not work on the NEO Lock.

Keypad Light Timeout:  (Keypad lights will turn off after a few seconds)


 ** <Management Code> # 151# 

 ** 888 888 # 151#
Example Result
 In standalone mode turn the Blue Light off
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Keypad Light No Timeout:  (Keypad light will always remain on)


 ** <Management Code> # 152 # 

 ** 888 888 # 152 #
Example Result
 In standalone mode turn the Blue Light on
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Keypad Sleep Mode:  (Keypad will enter sleep mode after keypad entries are complete)


 ** <Management Code> # 161 # 

 ** 888 888 # 161 #
Example Result
 In standalone mode always have the keypad off
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Keypad No Sleep Mode:  (Keypad constantly lit)  


 ** <Management Code> # 162# 

 ** 888 888 # 162#
Example Result
 In standalone mode always have the keypad on
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

PIN Code Input Delay Time: 0.5 second  (This is the delay time after the keypad is lit and before accepting a pin code entry)


 ** <Management Code> # 171 # 

 ** 888 888 # 171#
Example Result
 In standalone mode; set a wait time of 0.5 seconds before accepting first keypad try
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

PIN Code Input Delay Time: 1.0 second  (This is the delay time after the keypad is lit and before accepting a pin code entry)


 ** <Management Code> # 172# 

 ** 888 888 # 172#
Example Result
 In standalone mode; set a wait time of 1 second before accepting first keypad try
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

PIN Code Input Delay Time: 1.5 second  (This is the delay time after the keypad is lit and before accepting a pin code entry)


 ** <Management Code> # 173# 

 ** 888 888 # 173#
Example Result
 In standalone mode; set a wait time of 1.5 seconds before accepting first keypad try
Exit Programming
 Press ** 

Successful - 1 long beep. Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Factory Reset

This removes ALL programmed data and resets Management Code back to default. 

After the factory reset, the door lock is in Initialisation Mode.
NotesThis will also reset the lock which was activated on the app. Please re-activate the lock from the app to continue using the app. 
This will NOT reset the clock. The clock will only reset when you remove the batteries.

Factory Reset By Keypad #199


  ** <Management Code> # 199 # 

 ** 888 888 # 199# 
 All data has been removed and the lock has defaulted back to Initialisation mode

Successful - 1 x rising tone with red ‘8’  Unsuccessful - 2 short beeps.

Factory Reset by Reset Switch on Neo 

  1. Remove the lock from the door.
  2. Ensure the lock is powered then press and hold the switch inside the slot on the front handle.
  3. Release the switch when you hear the lock respond with a buzz tone

Neo Front Handel. Reset Switch on the back

Factory Reset by Reset Switch on Neo Access Control 

  1. Ensure that the ACR is powered
  2. On the back of the ACR, press and hold the button inside of the top left hole
ACR Reset button location

Other Functions

Reversing The Handle Direction

To reverse the handle direction, you DO NOT need to unscrew the lock.
  • You can reverse the handles by shifting the tab downwards by using a small key (screwdriver). See the video below.

  • As above disassembling the lock may void your warranty.

Rear Handle. Figure 4

Front Handle. Figure 5
This link will provide you with a video instruction should you require additional help.

Mechanical Key Override

Each lock comes supplied with 2 keys. These keys will not work with any other lock, so you must keep them in a safe place.
As the lock is designed for PIN/RFID/App access, it is not recommended to use the keys on a daily basis.

To use the mechanical key:
  1. Open the plastic cover on the front facing part of the door handle
  2. Insert and rotate the key 90 degrees
The key will resist, as it is pushing against the handle on the other side of the door
Assist it by pulling down the handle at the same time.

Firmware Upgrade (NEO Lock)

Should you need to upgrade the firmware of the lock, KAS will provide you with RFID cards that will be used for the process.
  1. The cards will be numbered. 
  2. Before the upgrade, ensure that the lock is reset (Using a System Card with a Clear function, or by dialing ** 888 888 # 199 # into the lock.
  3. Present the card labelled 1 to the lock, and wait for a second beep. 
  4. Present the rest of the cards in sequence, until a beep is heard between each one.

Should you receive a double-beep at any point, it means you are trying the wrong sequence card. Present the cards one by one again until it is successful.
DO NOT turn off the power to the lock during the firmware upgrade until it is done.

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