How to manually take a database backup

How to manually take a database backup


  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Login with your details.  This information should be kept upper management.
    1. If you need help finding your login details, please contact contact your IT department
  3. Right-click on the database named "Lock_HRS" or "RF2008" or "A92" (depending on what software you use)
  4. Select Tasks
  5. Select Backup
  6. Note the Directory Location - *In the large white box 
  7. This is file path you will need to follow to get to the back up later.
  8. Press Ok.
  9. Close SQL
  10. Find the backup in your Computer Folders from the directory address that was in the large white box above.
  11. Copy this .bak file and keep it safe on another computer or device.
  12. You will need this file if your computer ever crashes or is unsalvageable.
  13. Ensure you do regular backup