Process for updating BYD firmware is as follows (See Video Attached) :
1) Connect the 4 pin Dupont cable to the Programmer with the brown wire towards the bottom of the programmer.
2) Disconnect the lock from the battery side of the lock.
3) Remove the 6 screws on the rear side of the front face of the lock. Carefully lift the back plate off the lock.
4)Connect the other end of the Dupont wire to the lock motherboard as shown with the yellow wire towards the middle of the lock
5)Hold down the red power button on top of the programmer to turn on.
6) Press the large white "Program" button to copy new firmware to the lock
7)Wait approximately 15 seconds for programming to complete. "State" in the lower part of the screen will indicate "Programming" then "ok" when complete.
8)Remove wire and re-assemble lock.