Firmware - Update Node Firmware using Lockkeeper APP for lock-S Clients
Only follow this guide when instructed by KAS. If you do this without KAS instruction, you may experience unknown behaviors.
Step 1: Obtain your manage account details:
- System > System Parameters > APP
- Take note of the app account and app password
Step 2: Download LockKeeper from the app store:
Step 3: Log in to Lockkeeper with the manager account details:
If you have not activated a lock, you need to activate the lock first. Click Here
Step 4: Update the node firmware using Bluetooth:
Follow these steps carefully! * You must be at the lock for BLE connection
- Find the lock you want to upgrade. Ensure the Blue Key is displayed. Tap the row to go to settings.
- Tap 'More'
- Tap 'Update Firmware'
- Download the latest Firmware and tap 'Start to Update'
- Wait for the download to finish.
- Return to the main screen. Ensure you see the Blue Key.
If you don't, the lock may be stuck in boot-loader mode, if so, you can power cycle the lock and try again.
- Now set the room number again, in case the room number was dropped during the flashing process
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