KAS Cloud App - Auto Generate Pin Codes (Mobile app usage ONLY)

KAS Cloud App - Auto Generate Pin Codes (Mobile app usage ONLY)

This process is only if using the KAS Cloud App (free account), if using the KAS Cloud Web Console generate pin codes from there. 

Step # 1:
Click on your lock that you would like to generate the auto-gen pin code for.

Step # 2:
From a menu below select Auto-Generate pin code

Step # 3:
On the next screen click on "sync" from the top right corner.
NOTE: "SYNC" is only require once every year if your "new sync required by" date is still valid SKIP this step

Step # 4:
Then Click on "Sync" again.
NOTE: "SYNC" is only require once every year if your "new sync required by" date is still valid SKIP this step

Step #5:
After that click on "Clock"

Step # 6:
Then Click on "Update" (Make sure your date and time on your phone is correct)

Step # 7:
After that fill in the fields and click generate pincode

Step # 8:
The App will automatically generate the pin code with an option if you want to "Send" it to your guests otherwise select cancel.

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