AKE-100/AKE-300 Setup Tips – Getting Started
Key Tips:
- Default management mode code: 888888
- Flashing RED LED is the normal mode.
- Solid RED LED is the management mode.
- Green LED flashes and relay fires when code/card is correct (or REX button grounded)
Follow the below setups to get up and running:
Enter management mode:
" * 888888 # "
- 1 green LED flash, means entered into management mode successfully
- 3 beeps, red LED means did NOT enter into management mode. Cannot enter, please factory reset the management code (power cycle with keeping * press and wait for "2 beeps", "orange LED for 5 seconds, "2 beeps". Now management code is back to 888888.
Change management code
- Enter management mode, then press "0 (new admin pin) # (new admin pin) #"
- Now press * continuously until a solid red LED is displayed.
- The following will change the management code to 999999.

" * 888888 # 0 999999 # 999999 # "
Add pin code continuously
- Enter management mode with your new management code, then press "1, (new pin ID) # (new pin code) #, (second pin ID) # (second pin code) #, .... , * "
- Continue pressing * until flashing red LED to exit the setting mode
- After you press "1', LED will be orange
- Enter first ID as '1', second ID as '2', 56th ID as '56' and so on. (maximum ID is 1~2000)
- When you enter (new pin code) and press #. If you see a Green LED, pin code setting was successful. If you did not see a green LED, try the entire steps again.
- Pin codes can be 4-6 digits in length.

" * 999999 # 1 1 # 2345 # 2 # 556677 # * "
This will set pin code with ID 1 as 2345 and pin code with ID 2 as 556677
Add RFID Card/Fob continuously with ID
- Similar to adding pin codes except present a card instead of entering a pin code
- Pin codes and cards need separate ID's and cannot share the same ID.

" * 999999 # 1, 3 # <swipe card 1> ,4 # <swipe card 2> , ... , * "
This will set card access with ID 3 and ID 4.
Add RFID Card/Fob continuously without ID

" * 999999 # 1, <swipe card 3>, <swipe card 4> , ... , * "
Delete ALL users

" * 999999 # 2 0000 # * "
Factory Reset Management Code
- Power cycle the keypad while holding *. Hold *, turn OFF, continue holding * and do not let go, power ON, wait for "2 beeps", "orange LED for 5 seconds, "4 beeps", now release *.
- Management code is back to 888888.
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